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Aguas Potables was established in the town in 1922. On March 28, 1923, construction was finished.<ref>.https://mb.com.ph/2021/09/10/historical-marker-of-98-year-old-aguas-potables-de-malolos-unveiled</ref> It is located in the center of Malolos' market city, next to the cathedral, and across from it is the statue of General Isidoro Torres, who became the alcalde | Aguas Potables was established in the town in 1922. On March 28, 1923, construction was finished.<ref>.https://mb.com.ph/2021/09/10/historical-marker-of-98-year-old-aguas-potables-de-malolos-unveiled</ref> It is located in the center of Malolos' market city, next to the cathedral, and across from it is the statue of General Isidoro Torres, who became the alcalde | ||
mayor of Bulacan. He is also known as "Matanglawin" and founded numerous Katipunan branches.https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=7i7%2fcptD&id=3CE08F6D7C03067774CAA2E5CEAD5D7F357E41BB&thid=OIP.7i7_cptDzDuX4bSEf-5A9gHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fpunto.com.ph%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2021%2f09%2f01-COVER-640x360.jpeg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.ee2eff729b43cc3b97e1b4847fee40f6%3frik%3du0F%252bNX9drc7log%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=360&expw=640&q=aguas+potables+de+malolos&simid=608054914930659256&FORM=IRPRST&ck=90EBAFFF5E1ABB4CCFA0CE6FADFF3AB7&selectedIndex=1&itb=0 <ref>https://punto.com.ph/pananda-sa-98-taong-aguas-potables-ng-malolos-inilagak/</ref> "Drinking water" originates from the Spanish "Aguas Potables." Another name for it is Aguas Potables de Malolos. A year later, the Consejo Municipal of Malolos renamed it "Mariano S. Tengco Water Works." in honor of the former mayor's public service. Aguas Potables is a cylinder-shaped, 80 feet (or 24.4 meters) high, or the height of a seven-story building.<ref>https://iorbitnews.com/pananda-sa-98-taong-aguas-potables-ng-malolos-inilagak/</ref> | |||
mayor of Bulacan. He is also known as "Matanglawin" and founded numerous Katipunan branches. <ref>https://punto.com.ph/pananda-sa-98-taong-aguas-potables-ng-malolos-inilagak/</ref> "Drinking water" originates from the Spanish "Aguas Potables." Another name for it is Aguas Potables de Malolos. A year later, the Consejo Municipal of Malolos renamed it "Mariano S. Tengco Water Works." in honor of the former mayor's public service. Aguas Potables is a cylinder-shaped, 80 feet (or 24.4 meters) high, or the height of a seven-story building.<ref>https://iorbitnews.com/pananda-sa-98-taong-aguas-potables-ng-malolos-inilagak/</ref> | |||