MHPNHS Media Bureau

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MHPNHS Media Bureau

Chloe E

“Empowering Del Pilarians to become advocates for their truths through multimedia journalism.” —Is the quote found on the facebook page for the school organization, The MHPNHS Media Bureau, found in Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School. Which the Head Director, MIkhaella Ocampo confirmed to be the overall goal of this organization. To allow Del Pilarians to speak their mind and truths through multimedia journalism.

Before MHPNHS Media Bureau was formed, it was known as SHS Media Bureau which was established on 12th of September, 2022, according to the old website made for that organization. In that very website, under the history tab it is found that the organization merely accepted the “best-of-the-best” and to maintain the quote “quality over quantity”. The organization pulled through with that mindset despite only having two days to collect and find members before producing a live. Which was immediately after the organization was established, according to one of the founding members also known as Anne Claire Victorino Sayas.

This article mentions those core members in honor of their quick-action after being recruited into the organization:

  • Anne Claire Victorino Sayas as the Head Director,
  • Reign Haldos
  • Franz Rizalaine
  • Shaney Hernandez
  • Venice Cruz
  • Cyan Albano
  • Jasmin Callustania

Anne Claire mentioned in an interview that it was actually established to aid and assist the Teleradyo Marcelo crew to promote engaging activities for the Del Pilarians. She mentions that the organization was especially beneficial during the pandemic in producing content for Teleradyo that calls out or resonates with Del Pilarians. Other than academic contributions, the organization held multiple non-academic activities for the Del Pilarians. Such as; *MARCELOWEEN *MARCELOLYMPICS *SantaAll *Episodes of MNTWMI (May Nakaraan Tayo ‘Wag Mong Ideny')

Other than those non-academic activities, there had also been an abundance of collaborations between SHS Media Bureau and other organizations. Anne listed some of which: *Semestral Wrap-Up with SSG *Tree of Hope with YES-O SHS

MHPNHS Media Bureau—formerly known as SHS Media Bureau—was actually established from the two previous organizations, according to Anne Claire, and Mikhaella Ocampo. Those two organizations were Media Marcelo Associated Student Body and the SHS Media Bureau. The merge of the organizations started from the photo booth executed during 2022-2023 for the sake of celebrating teacher’s day. For that project, the organizations collaborated due to their formerly lack of active members, hence those who were committed to both organizations were left to form what is now known as the MHPNHS Media Bureau.

Since the formation of the MHPNHS Media Bureau, the organization with its newly found members and crew had become even more active after the pandemic. Just by looking at the facebook page dedicated for this organization, there had been multiple outputs and results from the merge. An example is the recent video posted for world teacher’s day celebration, it is a video captured by the MHPNHS Media Bureau. The organization is often connected in multiple activities or collaborations conducted within the school, one of which is being able to capture the Celo Music Fest, capturing moments from the first ever TEDx conference launched by the MHPNHS and multiple more that can be found in the official facebook page for the organization. Mikhaella Ocampo mentions that the organization was asked to help by teachers, students, and other organizations through collaborating, covering events, creating videos for presentations, avps, and more. Other than that, the MHPNHS Media Bureau was also able to win the Best Poster Award, and become one of the finalists for the 5th SINEliksik Docufest with their film entitled, “Doyen”.

Despite being one of the newest organizations in Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School, it is considered to be a vital organization through its multiple contributions and collaborations to not only the school and Del Pilarians but to other organizations. Although the organization is limited due to the DepEd rule of no disturbance of classes, it is still successful in being able to produce multiple activities, academic and non- and the cherry on top are its multiple collaborations with other organizations.

Other than the organization itself, there had been multiple teachers who guided, and helped this organization flourish into what it is now. Actually, the founder of the SHS Media Bureau, according to Anne Claire, was Sir Frederick John Macale. He was helped by Ma’am Hilda Magahis through the budding of this organization. These teachers were followed by Sir John Lester A. Zamora for The SHS Media Bureau and Ma’am Isabel Micaela Macale for MMASB during the merging, or formation of MHPNHS Media Bureau. And now, in the A.Y. of 2023-2024, Ma’am Regina Gareza Fundano guides the organization.

At the end of the interview, as the first Head Director of the Organization, Anne Claire Victorino Sayas was asked what she believed to be the greatest achievement or goal reached by the organization: “What I am most proud of is how the organization managed to transitioned from online distance service to face-to-face. It was really a hassle for us since we were built to help Teleradyo Marcelo, which was abolished after the transitioned. Having our own identity and purpose as an organization which is to empower Del Pilarians to become advocates for their truths through multimedia journalism, and creating such impactful outputs that contributed to history and the community. As the first and former head then the founding member, I am also proud of the legacy that we have passed upon our juniors. Seeing their improvement and the development of the organization as we are now headed towards our path in college makes me want to cherish the moments that I have with the organization back then.”

The organization is divided into six committees which are;

Administrative Committee The administrative committee handles, guides, and rules over the entire organization. It consists of the Head Director, Assistant to the Head director, and all of the committee heads.

Production Committee The committee dedicated to organizing during filming consists of directors, production managers, anchors and actors, technical and more. It requires experts in audio, video, lighting, and other technical disciplines. This committee works to ensure the smooth flowing and execution of the production.

Writers Committee The committee that eases and assists in writing and providing content for any media-related projects, assignments and activities. These activities can range from captions, headlines, manuscripts, transcripts, research and others.

Finance Committee This committee is in charge of analyzing the financials, giving advice for finance, and the overall surveillance of the organization’s budget. It ensures the successful operation of the organization with the financial resources it needs to provide activities, programs and services to the community.

Coverage Committee This committee is responsible for an organized and well-off event. They are expected to solve, and prevent internal and immediate problems if the administrative committee are unable to.

Creative Pool Committee This committee holds the responsibility upon producing a wide range of visual and video materials for publication, including but not limited to merchandise and promotional materials. They are in-charge of conceptualizing and creating compelling designs that align with the organization’s branding and objectives.

The Executive Members of the organization in S.Y. 2023-2024: Head Director : Mikhaella Ocampo Assistant Head Director : John Angelo Cortez Writers' Committee Head : Jewilyn Sta. Maria Coverage Committee Head : Moira Liane Reneses Production Committee Head : Andrew Dela Cruz Finance Committee Head : Isabelle Ollie Dayao Creative Pool Head : Justin Edward Raymundo


  1. MARCELLOWEEN 2021 - An event dedicated to bringing Halloween into the school, rather an Art and Cosplay Contest launched by the SHS Media Bureau.
  1. Science and Research Fair (in collaboration with iRISE) - A collaborative effort with iRISE to showcase to the students all about science. From Physical Science to Robotics to Life Science and Artificial Intelligence.
  1. SEMESTRAL WRAP UP - One of its collaborative outputs with Teleradyo Marcelo.

Link to their website which has links connected to their social medias and platforms: (outdated)