Beliefs on Marriage

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Article by Jake

1. On the wedding ceremony in the church, the bride and the groom have each a candle on their fronts. The one whose candle is extinguished first is believed to be the first to die.

2. In the ceremony also, the two are supposed to kneel during the whole period and the one who stands first after the ceremony will be dominant over the other.

3. In the dining table, if the member of the household changes his place now and then this person will be "mababauhin" or will always be widowed.

4. Before the two leave the house on the first day of their marriage life the dishes are purposely broken. By any member of the family as a wish for them to have children.

In a wedding, the lady who will remove the veil of the bride will be the next to marry. It is also believed that the first lady to whom the bride gives the orange blossoms will marry next. To make more fun, the bride asks the women to form a crowd and she then throws her bouquets of flowers, and she who gets it is likely to follow. One of the two sisters or brothers who marry in a single year will meet several hardships in life while the other one will be happy and successful. If you sing while you cook, you are likely to marry a widow. During the marriage ceremony, the couple are given each a candle, and the one whose candle is consumed easily will die first. If during the wedding ceremony, the wedding ring drops, either the bride or the groom will die soon or if the veil of the bride drops, she will be unhappy in her marriage life.
