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Article by Raphae

Many old people especially in Central Luzon believe that every mountain had each enchanter or enchantress. Thus, the enchantress of Mt. Arayat is Sinukuan; of the mountains of San Mateo as the enchanter; of Mt. Makiling. Makiling is the enchantress and of Taal Volcano. Taal as the enchanter.

But among these enchanters and enchantresses, Sinukuan is signified by the word of the most powerful. It was believed that all animals and plants in the realm of Sinukuan were extraordinarily large. And that she had the power of transforming man to any form she wanted.

San Mateo came to her one day and paid her a visit. In this visit to San Mateo, his purpose was to court sinukuan. As she did not feel any liking to San Mateo, she made fun of him by changing him into a rooster and led him to San Mateo Mountains where hers ascended his original form.

But Taal being a handsome enchanter was accepted by Sinukuan and they were married. One day a household conflict took place between the two. Taal went back to his Mountains. Taal Volcano was then only a solid volcano. Because of Sinukuan’s fury, she threw large pieces of stone to Taal Volcano. The stone struck the mountain and it was broken into smaller mountains. So that now, the Taal volcano is not a single solid mountain.
